Monday 2 September 2013

4 Week Menu Plan

I got this idea from a blog I've been following for a while now, she is quite well known now so I am sure you will know of 'Frugal Queen'. Find her blog here.

She was on a mission to rid of her debts and, now that she has accomplished that, she is working to pay off her mortgage early. Her blog is full of cheap recipe's, cheap craft ideas and lots of hints and tips. She recently shared with us her 4 week menu plan and I thought it would be a good idea to share with you mine.

Key - GF = Good Food Mag or website, OT = Overtime
I know a 4 week menu plan might sound rigid and lacking spontaneity but the fact is when you are on a budget you can't just be as frivolous as you'd like. I also like to do this as I don't want any waste. This way I can stock take the cupboards, fridge and freezer and see what I can use up over the following month and incorporate items nearing their sell by date into recipe's. Gosh, I feel like superwoman!

At the weekend you will notice it says 'whatever'. That's because we usually end up having beans on toast or we may end up at someones house unexpectedly so I don't really want to plan for it. See, I am spontaneous!

Each week I do a varied amount of meat dishes and vegetable dishes as the veg dishes work out a bit cheaper, even though Luke moans. If I do a Sunday dinner I make sure to use the left over meat either in Luke's sandwiches for work or in a pie the following day.
Breakfast is not very cheap as we all like different things! I only like my porridge and raisins or banana, Ben likes cereal and Luke likes toast!
Each week I also like to make a different batch of soup for mine and Ben's lunch as it can be too easy just to have bread! (I haven't decided what soup to have in the last week yet!)

If you don't currently plan your shopping list I seriously recommend you do as it could save you a lot of money and I have learnt this. Also, remember when you are shopping and you see lots of's not a bargain unless you need it!

Happy shopping


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