Wednesday 18 September 2013

Finished Cushion

I have finished the cushion - yipee! I have said that this crafty cushion will go in my craft studio...which hasn't been built yet...but I'm hinting to Luke to do so ;) It's bright and funky and makes me happy to look at it. It only took me an hour and a half to make last night and I really got back into my sewing and realised how much I love it.

This morning has been very productive. Luke's brother gave me a bagful of apples which had fallen in his garden and so I decided to make classic apple chutney. A couple of years ago, I did an evening cookery course at Ecclesbourne School and the chutney recipe was the best I had ever tried.

Me and Benjamin wrapped up and had a brisk walk to the park, we nipped into the local Primary School to get a nursery application form and then returned home for lunch and Ben is now napping.

Time for a cup of coffee I reckon.


1 comment:

  1. I love chutney!! I've also just been given a bag of apples, so may go savoury instead of sweet this time!! xx
