Friday 6 September 2013

Kitchen Wish List

Since moving into our first home, I've realised their are a few kitchen appliances I need which would make my life a lot easier. However, some of them are quite costly and I believe they will be staying on my wish list for quite some time. Ahh to dream.

Anyway here goes:

1) Morphy Richards 3 tier steamer - Amazon £26.90

This is not exactly a new appliance I need, mine has literally just died on me but to be fair, it was second hand when it was passed on to me. I love steaming my veg as it retains all of the goodness that boiling just destroys. And it tastes far nicer too.

2) Magimix 1.8L Blender - £159.95 

As I am really into my soup making and I am just starting to get into juicing (post to follow) I really need a good processor. My grandma very generously donated me her hand blender, which is still standing the test of time but I just need something that will not get chunks stuck in the blades all the time. The reviews on this item are fantastic - as much as I would love a Vitamix I don't quite fancy spending upwards of £400. This seems the best next thing. Want!

3) Stand Mixer - Andrew James - £79.00

Obviously if I had all the money in the world I'd buy a Kitchen Aid tomorrow. No, wait, I'd order it online right now! But this Andrew James stand mixer has better reviews than Kitchen Aid on Amazon and is an awful lot cheaper. I love making cakes and I have my sturdy £5 hand mixer from the ASDA Basics range, however this is my wish list we are talking about. I also want to make more bread and so I would use the hook feature to knead.

4) I know this isn't exactly an appliance and should probably be on a Dining Room wish list but hey! Confetti Tumbler - Anthropologie - £8

I love the Anthropologie website - I think I could possibly buy everything if I could. Never been to a shop but their kitchen/dining items are to die for and I would make a very nice home of these glasses. And just because I have dropped almost all of my glasses doesn't mean I would do the same to these beauties!
There we have it. There is only 4 items on my wish list because I am not greedy...or am I?! Ooo I enjoyed doing this wish list.

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