Wednesday 28 August 2013

The Unspoken Word

There are only 4 pay days left until...can I say it? Do I dare? 3 pay days left until Christmas. Eeeek! Don't hate me for saying it, I bet the shops will be starting to stock the Christmas cards and tinsel any day now...

Before then we have a wedding to attend (Luke needs a new suit), 11 birthday presents to buy and 3 wedding anniversaries to celebrate. I have 18 Christmas presents to purchase for people so, yes I am starting to plan now. So there. (That's my attempt to put my foot down)

How early is it to start? As savvy as I like to be, I never go to the January Sales and stock up on next years presents, or queue up for hours boxing day morning to grab a bargain.  I don't know about you but I will recognise if I receive one of last years Boots 3 for 2 presents!
In January I like to stay far away from the shops as possible and enjoy the sombre mood of the month, revelling in the festivities and celebrations we have had.

However, once my June birthday is out the way and our summer holiday has been and gone I do start pondering about the big day. In October and November we have over half our families birthdays too so I need to plan in advance.

So where do I start? If I see a reduced bottle of whisky, I'll pick it up for my grandad. I begin printing off a select few photos which I know I can frame as presents. In Summer and Autumn Sales I will have a mooch around and see if there is anything which would be useful to someone. Then, at this time of the year I will make a list and write ideas down next to it.

Last year I made a lot of my presents. I made cushions and cookie jar mixes. But I left a lot of it until last minute and it was a huge rush. I felt stressed!

The cookie jars I made last year
Last year I also found a lot of one off, unique gifts from TK Maxx that I was really impressed with and actually wanted to keep for myself. They were not over priced either.

I also don't like giving money as a Christmas present. I like to give a physical, thought filled present which will bring a smile to the recipients face. I try not to ask people want they want either as there is nothing more exciting than opening something you have no idea what small treasure hides within. Or they may think it is utterly revolting and wish they had just asked for money! Ha!

Over all I think this time of year is perfectly acceptable to begin planning Christmas presents and there is nothing wrong with picking up the odd gift or two. Or five.



  1. Never too early to plan for Christmas!!

    I visited a garden centre a couple of weeks ago and they already had Christmas cards and gifts in display.

    I love Christmas and can't wait to start preparations.

    Kirstie Allsop has a new book out all about the C word late September. I need it!!


  2. Wow, that garden centre sure started early! I love it though!
    I am about to google her book - we both need it in our lives don't you think?! xx
