Sunday 14 July 2013

Book Worm

How many of you are big readers? Or how many people say they are but your current novel is actually sitting on the book shelf collecting dust?
To me, books are magical. Sounds corny doesn't it?! But they are. It allows the imagination to run wild and create stories/characters/settings in the mind. Books can inspire and educate you.  I love the feeling of a brand new book where the pages haven't been creased, the smell is so new and the journey inside is awaiting your attention. Equally, I love nothing more than grabbing a £1 book from a charity shop, one that has been read and loved and passed on for me to enjoy. I found a lovely quote on pinterest  (you can see my pinterest page here.)

'Books are the carriers of civilisation. They are the companions, teachers, magicians, bankers and treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print' - Barbara W. Tuchman
Don't get me wrong, I haven't always been a big reader. My mum got me into it after much persuasion and saying 'I haven't got time' or 'I get bored quick'. It only took one good book to get me hooked. And now I enjoy perusing my book case and wondering which book to read next. Me and my mum have actually set up a mini book club. So mini it only includes me and her!! Once a month we choose a book and we both read it and then chat about it.

Courtesy of Pinterest
My two favourite books are 'The Shell Seekers' by Rosamunde Pilcher. This is a lovely, floaty book with such a feel good factor. It will make you reflect on what makes you happy.
The second is 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Housseini. He is one of my favourite authors and his ability at story telling is incredible. This story will stay with you long after you put it down. I am currently reading his latest novel 'And the Mountains Echoed' which is proving to be just as good.
The thing is books are so accessible to everyone now. Make use of your local library as they are free! Scour your local charity shops/eBay/carboot stalls. If you are a gadget lover why not use an e-reader if you can afford it? I personally would love an e-reader but it's not a priority to buy right now and I still love turning actual pages of an actual book! Half of the problem that people don't read anymore is because people are addicted to gadgets and social networks, which don't require imagination whatsoever!
What are your favourite books? What are you currently reading?

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