Monday 13 January 2014


It is estimated that 50% of Britain's will be obese by 2050!
At the moment two thirds of adults are obese and this is set to increase over the coming years.
Why are people not understanding? If I have put so much as 2 or 3 pounds on I feel utterly disgusting and quickly get on the health bandwagon again and move a bit more to get myself back to normal. How can people put stones and stones on and not feel the need to make changes?
I appreciate there are so many fads and diets out there that it must confuse people but we all understand that eating healthy and doing some exercise is the best for most people.
The next issue is financial. The whole 'does eating healthy cost more money?' well no not really. Like I've said before, I'm on a major budget at the moment and I make, wholesome, healthy meals every day. Check out Frugal Queen for example who was on a mission to rid her debt and created a whole recipe file on cheap, tasty meals.
Also, you don't need a gym membership to do exercise. You don't need a home gym either. The way I see myself exercise for example is I just like to be constantly on the move. I walk everywhere I can, I have a really cheap Pilate's DVD that I think was £3.99 off Amazon that I have started doing, even cleaning the house is a work out! Have a run on the street, start a walking group with your friends or go climbing some hills at the weekend including Dovedale or Black Rocks for Midlands people.
Following these few simple steps can have a huge impact on your daily intake and will make you rethink what you put in your mouth.
  • Opt for savoury snacks if you need to have a snack. Sugar is the devil. I will be uploading a few quick savoury snack ideas soon.
  • Read labels- ingredients are listed on labels in order of what the most used item is. If you see sugar or salt as the second or third listed item then we know that they make up a high proportion of the food.
  • STOP having takeaways, fast food and microwave dinners. No cheap supermarket food either such as ginsters pasties/supernoodles/pot noodles etc. Avoid them even if you are in a rush.
  • GET moving. The only time of the day I really sit down and relax is once Ben is in bed, not that I choose to but it's the only chance I get. However, this works for me as I feel I have had a busy and productive day.
  • AVOID your usual habits. Do you always put brown sauce on your beans on toast? What about tomato ketchup on your scrambled egg? Love dipping bread in balsamic vinegar? All these sauces and condiments are full of sugar. Just taking away these unnecessary extras eliminates extra calories and sugar.
  • PLAN your weekly food menu so that there are no last minute bad food choices. If everything is planned in advance and you have all the ingredients already in then a) you don't have to go to the shops and spend unnecessary extra money and b) you will feel happier knowing you have had a wholesome, proper dinner for the family.
  • STEAM your veg instead of boiling. It reduces the amount of nutrient loss.
  • LIMIT your caffeine. Swap to herbal teas. I only allow myself one cup of coffee a day as a treat.
  • REMEMBER fruit isn't always the best option. Research shows that one glass of apple juice compared to one glass of coke has MORE sugar in. See it as a treat.
  • SIMPLE SWAPS - white rice to brown, white pasta to wholemeal, fizzy drinks to water.
What I am trying to say leading a healthier lifestyle is accessible to everyone. All it takes is a little motivation, a dash of preparation and a blob of creativity.
My local Aldi now has a healthy section in with brown pasta and other items in for half the price of other supermarkets. So there really is no excuse for this new accusation and I hope people can start to make the right changes.

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