Saturday 4 January 2014

Kindle Fire HD Review

For those of you that read my blog you will know I have been rather against the Kindle or any version of it. I just thought how can you beat a good old book, whether it be a brand new release whose pages are waiting to be turned and the smell of fresh ink oozes off the pages. Or a bargain find at the back of a charity shop where the story has been told and told again and the pages have yellowed with age and the smell is musty and used and yet the whole combination is so appealing.
But there I found myself on Christmas morning opening a present to discover a brand new Kindle Fire HD and with it I discovered a brand new world.

To say it changed my life would be quite drastic but it has. I always argued that most of the books I bought were about £1 from charity shops or car boots or borrowed from friends and family so why would I want a Kindle where I have to start paying more for my books? Well in actual fact most books are usually cheaper when you are just downloading them to your device as they don't involve the costs of printing and postage etc. Kindle also offer daily deals for a selection of books, which sometimes include latest releases, are price dropped to a £1 or just over for one day only.

The first book I purchased was 'The Husband's Secret' by Liane Moriarty. I'd been after it for a while and I only paid £2.99. However, I have just had a quick look and today it is £1.52. Now, I appreciate you aren't buying a physical book which you can put on your bookshelf but you couldn't pay that for a brand new book. You can also search through the 'Top 100 FREE Kindle Book's' List and you can get so many books for free.

What I like is you can have all your books in one place. Even if you're Kindle set alight in flames your books are all safe and you won't lose them. And as long as you go somewhere with Wi-Fi you can look at the bookstore and download more.

Also, with it being HD the picture is so clear. For example, I downloaded 'The Medicinal Chef' by Dale Pinnock which is a recipe book and the pictures are fantastic.

With the Kindle Fire HD comes watching videos, storing music, downloading apps and browsing the Internet so all in all it's basically a tablet. However, I didn't want it for that so haven't used it much apart from Facebook as you can see in the picture. Perhaps I will with time.

I bought this lovely case for it to protect it and prolong its life. And to make it look pretty in hot pink. I wanted to take it to work and out and about in my handbag but didn't want to damage it without a case.

What I don't like about it is the thought of people using the free books on the Kindle rather than supporting their local library and I fear local library's may soon become extinct with all this new technology. I for one will still support my library by renting books and attending the Sing and Story Sessions for Benjamin's age group.

Putting that aside, I'm so pleased with the Kindle and it has changed my perspective on the gadget as it makes reading just that bit more fun and accessible.

What do you think to your Kindle???


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