Wednesday 19 February 2014

The Snow Child - No Spoiler

I know I'm a bit late on this but I've only just got round to reading The Snow Child. I felt that because of the cold weather and the possible onset of snow, that it was still acceptable to read it!

It's a truly magical tale of an elderly couple who, on the first eve of one particular snow fall, create a snowgirl who magically comes alive. Mable and Jack never had children as they lost a baby once upon a time so the snowgirl, Faina as we come to know her, fills an important gap in their lives and we follow their new journey together. But will it last?

I know it sounds a bit away with the fairies and I don't usually go for books like this but it is lovely to read and, although a bit slow to start with, the pace picks up and you just can't imagine how it will end. I could possibly put it in my top favourite books I've read so go on, pick up a copy!

Now I am reading the second book in the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series by Alexander McAll Smith - Tears of the Giraffe.

What are you all reading?


  1. Ooh, this sounds like my kind of book. I like being taken away by the fairies!! Will give it a read. xx

  2. Yes Sarah it was a memorable read, you ought to give it a go! I love to read xx
