Monday 17 February 2014

ORGANIC VEG BOX and some yummy food!

My amazing ORGANIC veg box as it was delivered.

A few bits of what was inside.

Mixed tomatoes!

Mixed leaf salad and lots of cabbage.
I know recently I've been raving about Aldi and now I am about to sound contradictory. I've been going on about how important it is to buy organic on one blog post and then on another blog post saying how cheap the veg is at Aldi. Of course it is cheap because it is sprayed with pesticides (chemicals) to prolong the shelf life. It is a money making scheme!
I have been reading James Duigan's Clean and Lean book and he puts it so plainly! Would you spray your bunch of grapes with hairspray and then eat them? Of course you wouldn't and that's almost what you are doing when you buy non organic produce.

So the other day I just thought enough is enough and decided to Google organic veg suppliers in Derby and the first result that came up was Trinity Farm on the edge of Nottingham. They have over 20 years experience in the organic field and grow all their own organic veg and produce boxes which they deliver to your home. They also sell organic meat and pantry supplies. The farm is mostly run by volunteers who have a passion for their work and they do not charge a delivery fee but ask if you would like to donate £1 to their petrol costs you can.

There are a variety of options to choose from and I opted for the £12.50 veg/salad/fruit box. There are no contracts and you can choose as and when you have your boxes delivered. The man on the phone did warn me that as this was the smallest box it would likely be enough for two elderly people rather than two adults with a child, especially if we eat fresh food every day, which we do.

Part of the excitement of the box is not knowing what they will be sending and trying different recipes around what they send. At first I was worried how it would fit into my menu planning however it was easy. All I did was wait until my box arrived on Thursday afternoon and wrote a menu around what they sent me. I wanted to make sure every item was used up and it was!

The salad all goes in Luke's lunch boxes, sandwiches and salad accompaniments. The veg is all used up in our meals. The avocado's can be used for salad but I made healthy chocolate puddings with them (2 mashed avocado's, juice and zest of one orange, tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of coco powder) the fruit was eaten as and when and the lemons were used to make my morning cleansing tea and also lemon drizzle cupcakes. I used the courgette to make pea and courgette soup.

Admittedly it was a bit small for us. Luke has 3 portions of fruit every day with his lunch alone so it doesn't include what me and Benjamin have. I had to go and buy bananas and a few more courgettes for my soup. So this week I have ordered the next size up which is £15 just to see how this compares and how I can work this into our food menu for the week.

Although it might not always have enough of what you need, it makes you try different food which you might not always choose to buy yourself. I mean I haven't had kiwi's for years as my mum was always allergic to them so it's nice to try them again!

Deliciously Ella's Cinnamon Pecan Granola

Superfood Salad

Madeleine Shaw's Carrot and Tumeric superfood Soup

The above pictures are from the week before I ordered my Organic Veg box. I get so much inspiration from the blogs I follow and now I honestly believe I couldn't live without Deliciously Ella or Madeleine Shaw!

I made Deliciously Ella's cinnamon and pecan granola as an alternative to my breakfast porridge. You can find the recipe on her website and I urge you to try it! I love breakfast and I like to be full so this was perfect.

I then made this superfood salad which lasted a couple of days in the fridge. It has roasted butternut squash, broccoli, cranberries, wild rice, puy lentils and pumpkin seeds. BURSTING with goodness basically.

What have you all been making lately?? Care to share?

Finally, I made a batch of Madeleine Shaw's Carrot and Tumeric superfood soup so I could freeze a couple of bowls. It really is delicious and warming on these cold winter days. Be careful when making this though as it stains almost every utensil you use!

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