Monday 17 February 2014

Broken Laptop and a fun Valentine's

My laptop is completely and utterly BROKEN. That explains my absence recently so I am sorry for that. We are in the process of fixing it but for now, I am round my parents typing this! Just so you don't think I've gone AWOL.

We had an amazing Valentine's day/weekend. We don't usually go out of our way to celebrate Valentine's but we hadn't had a night together - alone/kid free - so it seemed like the perfect excuse.

On the night before Valentine's day we went to a brilliant new place called Red Carpet Cinema at Barton Marina. You can go and have a two course meal and watch a film for £19.50. Our meal reservation was at 6:15 where I had the nicest chilli con carne I've ever had followed by a chocolate brownie with dark chocolate ice cream. The price didn't include drinks but I had a nice glass of red wine along side my meal. Then at 8 o'clock we walked into the cinema, which is cosy and adorable and nothing like these big chain cinema's you go to.
We watched 12 Years A Slave which was thrilling yet harrowing at the same time. A definite must see!
Then, as it finally sunk in we were kid free, we were giddy with excitement at the thought of going into town for a drink, so we did! Such rebels.

On the Friday, Ben was at nursery so we went to visit the cafe where my good friend is the Patisserie Chef called Cool River Cafe and Patisserie in Matlock. We had been meaning to go and see what she has been up to for a while but it isn't always easy with Benjamin. I had the most amazing slice of quiche and salad followed by a blackberry and frangipane tart. Yes we were being absolute PIGS this weekend! Sadly, I only remembered to get my camera out as I tucked into the tart. Woops.
Then, we realised we were still kid free so excitedly met my parents for a cocktail at Revolution de Cuba in Derby. I had a passionfruit mojita so it felt sort of healthy...yes?
Somehow we also managed to squeeze in bowling..albeit wobbly bowling where I absolutely beat Luke.

On the Saturday Luke didn't have football so we decided to have a family day and take Ben swimming. I personally hate swimming on the basis that it takes so long getting ready afterwards (well it does for me anyway!)

The card I made for Luke - inspiration off Pinterest of course.

What Benjamin made me at nursery. The best kind of Valentine's.

Blackberry and Frangipane tart.

Passionfruit Mojita.
It was a whirlwind of a couple of days and we haven't been as busy as that in a long time. We overspent on what we budgeted for our Valentine's but we felt we just needed it. Although I enjoy budgeting it is nice to have a blast sometimes and just have some fun!

1 comment:

  1. At least you had a fun Valentine's day, right? I'm glad that you were able to go out and do a lot of bonding activities to celebrate Valentines. How's your laptop now? Any recurrence of problems or glitches?

    Alison Henderson
