Wednesday 26 February 2014

Hurry up Spring!

Daffodils in washed yogurt pots which will be used for growing cress soon!

Cranberry and Orange Scones.

Lately I'm feeling happy. Well I usually feel happy but lately life is busy and full of things to look forward to and people to see and I like that.
Today the weather feels almost Spring like with the sun shining and my daffodils blooming. We went with my mum and dad to Carsington Reservoir and had a beautiful, albeit undeniably chilly, walk by the water. Benjamin played on the park and looked at the ducks and then we all went to the cafĂ© for a hot cup of coffee.  

At the weekend Benjamin attended his first birthday party, which he enjoyed, especially as it was a princess party ha! On the Sunday, we had an afternoon tea party for Luke's sisters 30th birthday and we all took something to the buffet. My contribution were Joanne Wheatley's Orange and Cranberry scones with butter and jam. They didn't turn out as nice as these competition winners but even so they were all eaten. Can't have been that bad!

After reading 'The Snow Child', I read the second in the 'No.1 Ladies Detective Agency' series - 'Tears of the Giraffe' by Alexander McAll Smith in about 5 days (which is quick for me) and I am now on to the third 'Morality for Beautiful Girls' which is proving to be just as good. I am missing reading on my Kindle but I had already collected these books from various charity shops and its quite nice to flick between Kindle and actual book.

I am also feeling happy because I am beginning to plan vegetables and fruit I want to grow in our garden! With the help of my favourite book ALYS FOWLER - THE EDIBLE GARDENER of course.

Alys had a TV Series a few years back and after that I ordered the book. I am not a very good gardener at all but her books simplify it all and encourage me to garden more. She lives in Birmingham and has turned her garden into a self sufficient paradise. She feeds herself primarily from her garden and it just shows you how it is possible. She also keeps chickens and is now interested in bee keeping.

Our garden is quite small and but two years ago when we first moved into our house I tried growing a small amount of vegetables to see how I got on. I grew some runner beans and some potatoes. Also lettuce and some strawberries.

This year I think it would be nice to try a few new things like herbs, carrots and maybe even cucumbers. I haven't quite decided yet.

At a car boot last year I picked up the Field Guide to Birds of Britain and Ireland for 10p!! I was so chuffed as this is something I hope to do with Benjamin one day. I remember when I used to go to Brownies, the only badge I ever managed to achieve was my bird watching badge! (I didn't attend long which explains my lack of badges)
When I picked Benjamin up from playgroup this week they told me they are bird watching and are making bird feeders and all of this probably excites me more than him! Ahh well.

Hurry up Spring!



  1. Ooh, I have to try those scones! I was out planting fruit and veg in our garden for the first time, a couple of weeks ago. Quite excited to see what happens out there now!

  2. Honestly make sure you do! I would never ordinarily have fancied making them but I'm so glad I did as they are yummy! Ahhh what did you end up planting?? I think it's so exciting - make sure you watch the Allotment Challenge on Tuesdays at 8pm ch2!
