Saturday 14 June 2014

My 10 favourite little things about Summer

I just LOVE the little things in summer. There is so much to appreciate and so much to take in. Smells, sights, tastes. Everything is better and everyone is happier when the sun is shining.

  1. Hanging washing out to dry on the line so that it when you take it off it smells so fresh you could wrap it round you and flop.
  2. Being able to eat every meal outside. There is something that reminds me of being on holiday when I do this.
  3. Strawberry picking. Fresh strawberries are so juicy and our local strawberry picking farm will be hit for sure when we take Benjamin this year. Can't wait to eat my weight in strawberries.
  4. Letting Benjamin run around without his nappy on and paddling in the pool. Not a care in the world.
  5. Turning the telly OFF. Let's face it, there's nothing good on anyway and what could be better than sitting outside listening to all the in the background, families in their gardens, birds singing, people walking their dogs, children playing on the field...
  6. I actually want to eat healthier! I fancy eating salads and making smoothies and creating fruit salads with whatever is in season. Lightly dusted seabass with lemon and dill for supper. Kiwi and strawberry for desert. It all tastes better.
  7. The light mornings motivate me to get up and start my day. The light evenings make me feel like the day will never end.
  8. Days off spent outside at parks, picnics in the field, playing in the paddling pool in the garden. It's all free and everyone is happy. We get our intake of vitamin D and we get a good dose of fresh air. Lovely.
  9. Lying at night with the windows open. I love the slight muffle of life somewhere far in the distance whilst I am comfy in bed.
  10. Everything is more relaxed and comfortable. Flip flops, recliner chairs outside, cool showers, lazy Saturday brunches outside. All we need now are siestas during work!
Linds x

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