Thursday 24 July 2014

The day before pay day

Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday. And Friday = Pay Day!

We have had a really lovely and productive Thursday spent at home and we didn't spend a penny. Mainly because we had none left and not a drop of petrol either but also because we have a busy few weeks coming up so me and Benjamin decided to have a stay at home day. Usually, I dread having nothing planned but we really enjoyed it and I welcomed it immensely after a busy few days.

Sometimes it is easy to forget little jobs around the house that need sorting when you are out every day. I also have my burst of energy in the mornings but I flag a little in the afternoon so have to plan activities/jobs accordingly.

We actually spent all day in our pyjamas and I can't remember the last time that happened! It was great not worrying about hair or make-up. One of life's mini luxuries I'd say. Anyway, thankfully Mr Sunshine came to play so I set up the garden with paddling pool and pirate tent (which by the way, was a huge bargain from Co-Op last month - £12 for that tent! And it's FAB!) I shoved loads of his toys and teddies in there and he happily popped in and out of it all day.
There was a nice breeze today which made being outside a little more bearable and my washing dried practically straight away!

In between being outside Ben helped me hoover and polish. I tackled the biggest pile of ironing that I had put off for so long. Put two lots of washing on and out.

And then my sweet tooth kicked in to the sad realisation that we have NOTHING in because I don't go shopping until tomorrow morning. So I just made some basic biscuits with ingredients I already had in and Ben helped me ice them.

These really hit the spot. And after having left over spag bol for tea it was nice to have a treat for afterwards.

Before bed, me and Benjamin went through the pile of books he rented from the library and he loves them! He even cried when we had to leave the library last week. His favourite at the moment is Gruffalo's Child. (And so is mine!)

I love simple, free, happy days.

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