Friday, 23 January 2015

Plant Based, Whole Food Lifestyle Change

That dreaded New Years Resolution of being healthy or cutting down on alcohol or exercising more usually stops after the first day first week but for me, this is the first year I have actually stuck to a new goal.

From New Years, I decided I didn't want to diet, I wanted to change my eating habits for good. I wanted a lifestyle change and I wanted to see if nourishing my body and feeding it with the right nutrients could cure a few issues I have with myself.

I've always had terrible skin but this runs in my family. My sister has cystic acne and my dad suffers with bad breakouts so I've only believed the only way to cure this were tablets from the doctor not by stopping all the bad foods I have been eating. If I could change one thing about myself, it would be to have clear skin.

Secondly, I gave birth to my second son on December 6th 2014 and I had put on a total of 4 stone. I couldn't believe it! It is the biggest I've ever been, partly because I ate like a pig! And as I'm getting married in August of this year I needed to be mindful not to stuff my face with junk just because I've had no sleep. I needed this lifestyle change to happen quick.

So as of New Years Day I decided this was it. No more refined sugar, no more gluten and no more dairy. I personally have cut down drastically on meat and fish but not altogether.

At first it was so hard but I must admit it is a total mindset thing. You either want it or you don't. In the past I have been the biggest sweet tooth, my dentist is always on at me to cut down my sugar intake but I never have. But I pulled through the first two weeks and after that I felt no need for sugar, for biscuits or chocolate. I felt no need for crisps or white starchy bread or Robinsons fruit squash and at the end of each day I started feeling good about myself.

We are now in week 3 and my skin isn't clear but I feel it is less aggressive. (I do need to bare in mind that I'm not having much sleep what with having a 6 week old and a 3 year old) however I feel like I'm feeding my body with the rights ingredients for health and happiness. I understand the changes won't happen overnight but I want to use my blog now to help me on my journey and to help me to keep going.

I want to show you the recipes I've been making, the inspiration I have had and the new facts I am learning because if I can do it, then anyone can do it.


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